2 sweede: Upgraded to 0.6.1 and links now stay OK, but the text are changed by Wowhead title.
Use this:
HTML Code:
[url=http://www.wowhead.com/?faction=1011]click me[/url]
and after edit in WYSIWYG you get this:
HTML Code:
[url=http://www.wowhead.com/?faction=1011]Lower City[/url]
Anyway thanks again for fastest fix previous bug
EDIT: Sorry, i see, this is a new feature. Looks cool and works fine for achivs, spells, quests, ... etc. EXCELENT!!
But, bad thig is what i wrote before edit. Modifing ALL the hyperlinks text not good in some case. So, maybe limit that for links inside some TAGS will be better ... like a
[ITEM]http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10985[/ITEM] -> this will be autohyperlinked to
[A Distraction for Akama]. I know, this is not a "item" exactly, but it is easiest way for users ... ONE TAG do LOT of MAGIC
BTW: Please add brackets ( "
[" and "
]" ) in autohyperlink