Hello : Everyone can u please help me how to report a hacker or were
i call my hosting company to get the back up : to make my site work the site start working like before but this guy keep hacking and cratching my site my site is a gfx site i make free design for people like headers , logos , templates and much more yes to get better and better like other great designers on the net i make free headers for this person call MAD-DOG when i goo to the site he send me codersz4life.com or .net i like something on the site call C4L SIDE MENu when u scroll down this side menu goo down with u u don't need to scroll up to click any link u know i tell hem can u make me that for my site he say no i don't want to share this with no buddy on the internet because if i doo is going to be around on the internet i tell hem ok no problem i goo to google to search for side menu or Floating menu and i don't find nothing i come here in vbulletin.org and search for that in find this one :
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...=floating+menu and i download this for my site and i make work and my site s this guy start talking craps to me telling me the i steal this from hem i say no i find this on vb.org and he say i will shutdown your 2 forums and then i shut down my site many time
here is more proof
http://i41.tinypic.com/346mafm.jpg please help me to stop this guy thank's