That if statement is seeming like a no go for me atm. Been playing with it for a while and can't seem to get it going.
Looking at the script I ripped from the memberinfo_block_recentvisitors template, is it possible to have it display in the memberinfo template on its own?
Here is what I have for it in my member info as of right now:
<div class="alt1 smallfont block_row">
<phrase 1="$block_data[visitorcount]">$vbphrase[last_x_visitors]</phrase>
<ol class="list_no_decoration last_visitors_list">
When looking at the profile you see that it shows the $vbphrase[last_x_visitors], but it isn't displaying the $block_data. Anyway to fix that?
Edit: Basically, I need $block_data[visitorbits], $block_data[visitorcount] to work no matter where I post it in memberinfo.