I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
I must correct myself in my last post, as it was 4am and I was tired of looking at the code. I meant to say that this code causes my field17 to show up for everyone that generates the form:
$text = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT field17 FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield");
$text = ($text['field17']);
Using the above code in place of the second line, simply returns a blank space.
I'm unable to call the profile field for the current logged in user, and instead the query seems to only show the field for the first userid in the database.
I guess what I should be asking is how to get the script to access the cookie of vbulletin so it can pull from the database for each user, if that makes any sense. I'm sure it's probably my query itself that's off, so that might be the main problem.