Originally Posted by abrecher
Is this option supported yet ?
Any idea when this mod is coming out of Beta ?
That option is not yet supported. I'll add that option and there are a lot of random phrases I need to add as well. Once that's done, I'll bring the plugin out of Beta. But it's pretty stable as it is.
Originally Posted by staticrebelle
Just as an addendum, I have a seperate server for mysql - could that possibly be causing the problem?
I.e. my forums are hosted on one server and the database is hosted on another (they are connected by a hard wire though).
If so, is there any way to add support for forums that use separate servers for mysql?
I'm not sure -why- that would be causing a problem, as I use the same database calling methods that vBulletin uses. But from the looks of the error you posted, that seems to be the problem.
Edit: if you go into your AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> vbNetwork Options and set "Network Error Log Level" to "0" (which I think it is by default), this may fix your problem.