I was having a clear out earler and i came accross an old Sony DV digicam, I hadn't seen or used this in over 10 years so i charged up the batteries, found some old mini DV tapes and me and Mrs UKBL started to watch our old tapes and boy did it pull on the heartstrings.
The batch of old tapes i found were of my 2 kids aged 1 and 2 at the time. I think i spent the best part of the evening watching those tapes, mrs UKBL was crying her eyes out
Which got me thinking wouldn't it be nice to copy the old tapes onto DVD's and give them to Family
You may laugh but i've never tried to copy video to my PC and then onto a DVD, so what do i need to do and is there any special equipment you need??
The Camera has the follow sockets
S video out
DV out
A/V out
By luck my PC has an S Video socket too!!
Surely it can't be as easy to just connect the two??
Do i need any special software I'm running Vista
Thanks for your help