Basically I made a custom profile field within vbulletin. My Game Servers update the data within the database once they earn something on the servers. I want them to be able to get a paid subscription with these points basically the z-points are the currency and the database is the API processor. Those points are saved within custom profile "field6".
Here is the code I have so far:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<product productid="zpoints" active="1">
<description>Add Z-Points to the payment gateway</description>
<code version="1.0.0">
<installcode><![CDATA[// Fill the settings array
// add the z-points record to the paymentapi table
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "paymentapi
(title, currency, recurring, classname, active, settings)
('Z-Points', 'z-points', 0, 'zpoints', 0, '" . $db->escape_string(serialize($settings)) . "')
$db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "paymentapi WHERE title = 'Z-Points'");
<template name="subscription_payment_zpoints" templatetype="template" date="0" username="JamesGunner" version="3.6.0">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="$cost">
<input type="hidden" name="test_mode" value="$settings[test_mode]">
<input type="hidden" name="product_name" value="$subinfo[title] Subscription">
<input type="hidden" name="description" value="$subinfo[description]">
<input type="hidden" name="unit_price" value="$cost">
<input type="hidden" name="require_IPN" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="return_URL" value="$vboptions[bburl]/payment_gateway.php?method=zpoints">
<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
<title><![CDATA[Z-Points - add 'order using']]></title>
<phpcode><![CDATA[$vbphrase += array( 'zpoints' => 'Z-Points' );]]></phpcode>
<phrasetype name="GLOBAL" fieldname="global">
<phrase name="setting_zpoints_test_mode_desc" date="1156824632" username="Hambil" version="1.0.0"><![CDATA[Enable Test Mode. Transactions in test mode are 'fake' and not charged to an account.]]></phrase>
<phrase name="setting_zpoints_test_mode_title" date="1156824659" username="Hambil" version="1.0.0"><![CDATA[Test Mode]]></phrase>
<phrase name="zpoints_order_instructions" date="1156875116" username="Hambil" version="1.0.0"><![CDATA[To pay for your subscription via Z-Points click the button below and follow the onscreen instructions.]]></phrase>
<phrasetype name="Error Messages" fieldname="error">
<phrase name="zpoints_cancel"><![CDATA[[ZOW] Im sorry! You do not seem to have enough zpoints to get admin or an error occured!]]></phrase>
Which works perfectly fine and Z-points can also be activated as an Payment API.
Now I think my problem is the heart of the Payment API, the class file. I really think that I need help with this one.
This is what i got so far:
PHP Code:
|| #################################################################### ||
|| # vBulletin # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # Copyright ?2000-2006 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
|| # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html # ||
|| #################################################################### ||
if (!isset($GLOBALS['vbulletin']->db))
* Class that provides payment verification and form generation functions
* @package vBulletin
* @version $Revision: 1.6 $
* @date $Date: 2006/05/11 21:21:00 $
class vB_PaidSubscriptionMethod_zpoints extends vB_PaidSubscriptionMethod
* The currencies that are supported by this payment provider
* @var array
var $supported_currency = array('zpoints' => true);
* The variable indicating if this payment provider supports recurring transactions
* @var bool
var $supports_recurring = false;
* The variable indicating that this payment provider gives immediate feedback that
* should be displayed
* @var bool
var $display_feedback = false;
* Perform verification of the payment, this is called from the payment gateway
* @return bool Whether the payment is valid
function verify_payment()
$this->registry->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
'product_name' => TYPE_STR,
'status' => TYPE_STR,
'unit_price' => TYPE_STR,
'transaction_id' => TYPE_NUM,
'transaction_date' => TYPE_STR,
'user_id' => TYPE_STR
$this->product_name = $this->registry->GPC['product_name'];
$this->status = $this->registry->GPC['status'];
$this->unit_price = $this->registry->GPC['unit_price'];
$this->transaction_id = $this->registry->GPC['transaction_id'];
$this->transaction_date = $this->registry->GPC['transaction_date'];
$this->user_id = $this->registry->GPC['user_id'];
// lets check the values
if (!empty($this->paymentinfo))
$zpoints = $db->query_read("SELECT field6 FROM userfield WHERE userid = ".$this->user_id);
if (($zpoints-$this->unit_price) => 0)
$zpointstotal = $zpoints-$this->unit_price
UPDATE 'userfield'
SET `field6` = $zpointstotal
WHERE `userid` = ".$this->user_id);
$this->type = 1;
return true;
$this->error = fetch_error('zpoints_cancel');
return false;
* Test that required settings are available, and if we can communicate with the server (if required)
* @return bool If the vBulletin has all the information required to accept payments
function test()
return (!empty($this->settings['secret_code']) AND !empty($this->settings['email']));
//return true;
* Generates HTML for the subscription form page
* @param string Hash used to indicate the transaction within vBulletin
* @param string The cost of this payment
* @param string The currency of this payment
* @param array Information regarding the subscription that is being purchased
* @param array Information about the user who is purchasing this subscription
* @param array Array containing specific data about the cost and time for the specific subscription period
* @return array Compiled form information
function generate_form_html($cost, $currency, $subinfo, $userinfo, $timeinfo)
$currency = strtoupper($currency);
// load settings into array so the template system can access them
$settings =& $this->settings;
$settings['email'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($settings['email']);
$settings['product_name'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($this->registry->subinfo['title']);
eval('$form[\'hiddenfields\'] .= "' . fetch_template('subscription_payment_zpoints') . '";');
return $form;
Im not sure what I did wrong since I dont know much about php neither about vbulletin. I really need this Payment API so any help is really appreciated!
Thanks for the reply ahead...