Originally Posted by adiboy.net
I am having the same issue. Im using a fixed forum, and everyone is complaining about the scroll in the chatbox. Im getting ready to uninstall it because of this.
Is there a way to remove the [/] and [_] buttons from the chatbox, the smilies, and the pixle font size?? Who really ever uses those? Also the 255 text limit, does it really need to be there? It would look better if we could adjust the width of the chatbox (each section) and remove the useless items we don't need.
I personally don't need the "refreshing" text in there... it just stretches the chatbox every time it does that.
The older 3.6 version looked so much better (see below)
but due to the errors of mods and admins not able to edit or delete posts, I was forced to upgrade to this version...