Originally Posted by RLShare
lol.. No problem man, its my mod I expect questions about it. I have actually looked into watermarking attachements in the past when I first created this. I do eventually plan on adding that ability in. Its just right now I am really busy with some other things, when I get a spare few minutes I will attempt to add it as well as fix what Megatron just brought to my attention. Oh and I fixed the paypal link..lol
Ok and to note, as I mentioned to Megatron in a pm, I just noticed that when profile pictures are stored in the filesystem then it will not watermark the image. The problem comes from the fact that VB serves up a direct link to the images on the server when they are stored in the filesystem and are not processed first like album images are. I will make a note of it above in the original post and see if I can work up a fix when I get a free minute or two.
Do you expect the ability to watermark attachments will be added in the next month or so? I have some high profile events coming up that I wish to gain as much exposure for the site I co-own as possible
I've donated, i'm sorry it's such a small amount but i'm very greatfull of your support and for creating such a great product.
I'm not sure if this is doable, but is it possible to watermark over images that are externally sourced?
Originally Posted by Megatr0n
If you do not mind me making these suggestions for new features:
- I was wondering maybe an add option where we can also CENTRE the watermark on the pictures?
- An option to allow the user to choose whether his/her profile & album pictures can be watermarked?
- And, an option in the AdminCP to prevent an album picture from being watermarked that's been configured to be used as the user's backround otherwise you see Watermark logo scattered all over the page and it looks messy.
-Centre watermark would be awesome.
-Option to allow users to choose (i'm guessing by bitfield) is a cool feature, i'd use it - would be cool to be usergroup defineable.
-I've just noticed a user is using an album picture for his signature, doesn't look too nice with a watermark slapped on. Is there anything that can be done?
Good suggesting Megatr0n!