Hi Guys,
This thread is just to raise awareness on the importance of regulary backing up your forums, and perhaps doing a full back up at server level.
All you need to do is to read the amount of horror stories on here of people that have lost their site due to not having backups or their host not doing auto backups of their site.
Its one of those things, Like planning your funeral, that we never do until its too late!!, So guys today its Sunday, your not that busy, why don't we all back up our sites and add a post here to say we've done it!!
Take part in the poll and be honest, your not kidding anyone apart from yourselves!! You can tick Multi, so be honest and if you don't know how to do backups then todays the day that your gonna find out. Its not as hard as it looks and it could save your forum!
If you have a problem knowing what or where to back up post here and we'll help each other out.
Heres a quick Tutorial on Backing up your all your webspace using Cpanel
Today I've declared this Sunday as National VBulletin Back up day