Originally Posted by merk_aus
Ok Guys - I have started recoding this, slowly seem I am only new to coding - I am coding it all up to meet the new standards outlined by vBulletin. I can say that it will not work on vb4.0 when it is released - when the coding is finished it will however work on 3.8.x
Ok so here are some new features etc that will be in the new version:-
+ Ajax Betting Updates
You can open a betting event at 1/1 and when people bet on something the odds will improve for that bet, just like proper betting the odds will move up and down depending on what people are betting on - if someone bets 1000 credits on 1 event obviously that teams odds will become shorter while the other teams will blow out.
+ Ability to cater for Horse Racing
There will be a new selection option where you can select if this is a Horse Racing Event, this would allow you to add a "Place/Show" odds as well, this would also help if you run a motorsport betting system - you would be able to bet on a win or placing.
+ Easier installation
Our aim is to provide an easier installation, with limited template edits, we are hoping to make it a product install only - however as I mentioned I am only new to coding and therefore it would depend on how well things go.
I am still open to ideas, and am open to anyone with coding knowledge to help me out.
At the moment I am the only one Andreas has given the re-code permission to and my hope is to try and get this set up and running well... to work on 3.8.x and we will have to see what the coding involved with 4.0 is before deciding whether it would work on there.
If you are interested in helping please pm me.
About time someone takes this on!! I have mine working for 3.8 already, but I would love to have the new features.
I'll definitely be dropping a few suggestions in this thread when I get them. The ones you mentioned already sound great!