Originally Posted by BGObsession
This seems to work extremely well. Very simple and easy to use. Only problem I'm having is that I'm trying to use it on a right side module of my CMPS page, not as a 'banner rotator', but to rotate images advertising other sites we have a relationship with. I set the module up as a php module, and its working fine in terms of rotating the images. I did have to select the 'clean file output' option to get it to show in the right column. My problem is, although the images rotate fine and look good in the right hand column module, my footer and footer navbar links are now messed up. Any idea what I need to tweak so that the footer formatting doesnt get messed up?
If your using it in your CMPS page then you might be better off using this
Its an Iframe based HTMl coded Rotating banner mod which you could use for your sponsors or any advertising. Might be better in your CMPS box as opposed to a javascript hack.
Let us know how you got on