Originally Posted by Caddyman
I very much dislike landing pages, i would nix that first, bt before you do.....take it's style and apply it to your site!
The landing page LOOKS good, i like the colors and fonts and all a lot.
Find a good looking template for your site, it can be free, just get the general layout you like.
then customize it to fit the color scheme of that landing page. change the background to black, make the header image like the landing page with your keywords all different directions and make your forum name stand out....etc etc
it will look sweet, if you need help PM me.
I originally had a black background with the Header using the same font as the splash. But after a couple people commented on it, i got discouraged and went as basic as possible. :erm: I think really, I just need a good custom skin too. I'd really like to have a front page similar to TalkDelaware (specifly things like the tags box and maybe a weather box too).