Originally Posted by der_darkon
We switched from SMF to vB and i wish to transfer the locations of all users to this map. I tried to enter the data into the markers.xml, but this didn?t work (it showed on the startpage of the map the correct count, but the users did not show up in the list or on the map.
The problem is that markers.xml is an intermediate file that is composed from the contents of a table in the board's database file: googlemapme
If you can get direct access to the database, you may be able to bypass the manual-entry process or at least make it easier, though you'll have to know which vBulletin usernames correspond to which former SMF ones.
Short of that, you can ask everybody to re-enter their locations.
ETA: various bug fixes and feature additions by ZeroHour, Falcon Capt, and myself:
ZeroHour: marker-display fix
Keeps info-balloon text from causing XML-parsing errors and aborting the marker display if it contains certain characters
Me: several
Me: markers
Me: terrain display
Me: marker positions
Mouse-over showing username when info balloon is absent
Mousewheel zooming
Marker in location editor becomes vbGM red marker
Marker position in map fixed; it "points" to the right place
Added the option to show the terrain maps
Centers image in info balloon and imposes maximum size
Control of info balloon:
Admin CP > Vbgooglemap ME > ME Settings > Enable the mouseover support on the markers?
Set to No
Falcon Capt: position and zoom as URL args
Changed $HTTP_GET_VARS(...) to $_GET(...)