Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
There's a manual on importing files in the second post
1. I have exams at university next month 
2. There's an easy "Show Navbar Button" option in the downloads settings. Nothing difficult about finding it. You can enable/disable all important features there.
3. That's a server configuration problem, not a DownloadsII problem. If you can't upload large files with DownloadsII, you also can't do it with the vB attachment system. Just check your server configuration (there are lots of posts in this thread about the .htaccess thing etc.).
4. There's a copyright because it's our work and we do it for free. vBulletin itself also has a copyright and it's commercial software.
Why can't you remove it? Because DownloadsII is based on ecDownloads (its coder left vB.org and the mod contained security issues) and the ecDownloads license requires this. Because of this v6 will be a full recode.
I will restart working on the code at the end of june. Probably some smaller releases will be coming first and I'm looking forward to vB 4 (which will contain cross content search and the new asset manager).
Hello yes thats all great. I finally got to upload a 90G file but it took about 20 mins. So no worries there. I did find the link to the navbar. I just cant believe i missed it. Well keep up on your education since that does come first.
What would be nice is
1. See a upload status bar of some kind
2. be able to use a different server instead of downloading from my main server.
Thank you for making your comment
I would like to see thse implemented into the next upgrade