Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye
Would it be possible that the attached image, when used for that, would only show in the Thread Thumbnail and not also attached below or in the posting ?
And in case someone doesn?t want to add a Image, how about also allowing that. In that case it would just show the NoImage picture. Should be up to the poster I think. He doesn?t have to. 
It would be nice if adding an image attachment is an optional REQUIREMENT. For example, one could create a simple gallery this way and have all the images hosted on their own site instead of annoying hosts like imageshack. Furthermore, image attachments can be automatically thumbnailed by simple adding &thumb=1 behind the url. This means, true resizing of the image using GD instead of scaling an external image using width or height (which should never be done).
Attachments can be filtered for images with the following query
WHERE (attachment.extension = 'jpg' OR attachment.extension = 'gif' OR attachment.extension = 'png')
In short,
-allow attachments.
-option that sets an image attachment as a requirement.
-allow external images.