Originally Posted by DJ MDX
Does someone have working demo - the demo in the starter does not seem to be active.
I have installed all of this but, like the others it says I am down.
I am contacting my host 1st to see of there are any issues on my side 1st but I also want to show them a working demo.
Ok I got mine working now - so far so good - only thing is the info does not update regularly or at least it does not seem to - I will monitor it more and report back - I was very tired when I got it completed.
I am really not sure what the problem was - I could not make it work to save my life - So a complete "re-install" fixed it - not sure if something was corrupted with the 1st install but it works now and that is what really matters.
For now everything works great except for the updating but I will report back later on that to make sure full kudos are given - great add on, either way!