Originally Posted by seaweed
Thank you for your reply. The content of my site is fishing related. We have been approached by some members in the community to adverstise. The comunity seems to be behind the ads we have used to test the waters. I tried a couple of mods but finally figured out how to work with in openx. I guess i dont know how to put a value to the adds. My assumption is static adds are seen more so they would carry a higher value. Rotating banner adds provide for more exposure etc... I dont know maybe i was hoping for some sort of magic formula. 
The Magic forumla is to Canvass, and Experiment. I don't think any one person can say use this, do this and you'll make money overnight from your ads.
Try a different form of advertising for 1 month at a time and the after you've exhausted all ad variations, weigh up the cost against the income, if you keep each ad to 1 month exactly, it should give you a rough idea of whats best, but most importantly, what will work better on your forum for both yourself and your members.
Good Luck