I hope someone could help me here because I honestly have no clue what went wrong. It isn't anything major, my sports manager works perfectly, but here is the thing:
Ever since I added this:
<!-- My Teams -->
<if condition="$show['member']">
<tr width="100%"><span class="navbar"><center>$userfifateams $userpremierteams $usernflteams $usernbateams $userncaateams $usermlbteams $usernhlteams $usernascardrivers </center> </phrase></if>
<!-- My Teams -->
above this:
<!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info -->
two of my category strips ('who's online' and 'chatbox') changed font colour into alternative one, while the other ones remained like before.
I've tried and went through all CSS attributes and my Category Strips CSS is fine too. But again, everything else is ok except those two (maybe elsewhere too but I haven't noticed yet).
And if I remove
<!-- My Teams --> from navbar template - everything goes back to normal.
Check out the image. I pointed at the spots.
Thanks beforehand to whoever might have the solution for this.