Excellent mod! Keep up the good work. I have a few suggestions for future development.
1. Allow for finer usergroup permissions, preferably unique display rights per ad. I like to show the top ad (under navbar) to guests only.
2. Ability to add multiple custom code(s) per ad location, since Google only allows 3 ads per page we are limited to use only a fraction of the available locations. If we can rotate between custom code and Adsense we can deliver our content focused ads we sell through normal advertisement offerings, and not go over the three ad limit. Example, I rotate between ads delivered by OpenX and Adsense in posts.
3. Ability to define the display post ad after every x post. For instance, we could enter 1,15,30,45,60. Then it would display an ad after that post #.
Much of these features are available in karim004's Ad Management -