Woa!! Thank you IdanB! I was getting a bit desperate...
Ok, I forgot to mention that I'm using CyberRanger's '
Throttle Posts/Threads (restrict number of posts/threads by usergroup/forum by time)' wich does the trick to prevent posting more that X threads, but FAILS in this quest to prevent replying to the THREADS in less than X days (or hours, etc...)
Ok, so now, replying your suggestions:
Originally Posted by IdanB
i'll try to code this one
I guess there could be 2 ways of making this:
1. an easy way: just add code to post hook to check if allowed, and if not, redirect with error.
2. bit more user-friendly, but more code invovled: making sure the user that cannot bump has no option to get into any sort of reply screen (either quick reply, reply or qoute buttons)
Are one of these options what you had in mind or you meant different in your request ?
Well, the above CyberRanger's Mod, does something close to your first option, so my users are a bit used to it, and that would be just fine for my board! :up: :up:
I believe that if the error message could inform the X ammount of days (or hours - although in my case I would like to have it in 'days') that are still remaining until the user can reply, the members could get more informed about the board rules, as the error message could be a reminder for those rules! :up:
Well, but let me tell you that your second option seems very good to me too. You would simply not have the Reply button there, so it would look a bit more... professional?

hummm... But I wonder...

Imagine that a newbie posted on those sub-sections that won't allowd to reply before X days... He/she won't see the Reply buttons, that could create another problem in this way: The user could simply guess that there is no way to reply at any time (if he/she does not read the board rules) and then, before the X days have passed, he/she would create ANOTHER thread with the same message as the first one (thus duplicating threads)
Ok, so the first option would be more useful! The error message would be the "Rules Reminder" for the user that did not read the board rules...
Thank you so very much IdanB! :up: :up: :up: