Originally Posted by funkmeister
It's not a MAC issue. It's any RSS newsreader! It's just more convenient for me to give you the MAC example.
So here is another example, go to this web url - http://slinkset.com - it contains links taken from your RSS Video Directory feed...notice the link URL's - they do not take you to the exact video, but rather the Video Directory index - the "s=" string is causing them to be redirected to the index instead of the actual video.
Something is generating the "s=" string in the RSS piece of code, whether it's your code or within vBulletin itself. I can't find anything obvious, but I'm not a coder!
Hopefully you or someone can dig deeper....as it is effecting the usefulness of the RSS piece of this.
The session tags are generated by vBulletin itself. It's what lets people stay logged into the website, even if they have cookies disabled. I've never had any issues with my forum, and none of my RSS aggregators add the session tags in.
If you want to fix this with your forum, go into
functions_videodirectory.php and replace:
PHP Code:
$url = 'video.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'do=viewdetails&videoid=' . $video['videoid'];
PHP Code:
$url = 'video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=' . $video['videoid'];
However, if you require people to be logged in, in order to watch videos, your users may have problems if they have cookies disabled.