Here's work progress:
1. I've confirmed the bug which resulted with the forum still visible in some condition, while going from forumhome to forumdisplay.
This bug is now fixed: now forum in the "forumdisplay" is properly hidden.
2. Last Post link was hidden already. Couldnt not confirm any bug there. according to all my testing this worked fine. Did you mean by any chance you got the link from some search / or "new posts" link ? as that's one loophole that wasnt covered.
3. To cover any loophole of any kind = I've also added check on "showtread". so if user may obtain link to post (from somewhere), he will not be able to see it.
Now working on 1 more (last) fix - to "filter" any posts from search results (on hidden forums) from under-aged users, so they wont be aware of such forums.
Once this last "search filter fix" is ready, i'll upload new version code (will be towards tomorrow after-noon). as i dont want to "spam" with too often updates. i will upload all of these fixes tomorrow.