Originally Posted by Jaxel
The links work fine for me in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera...
Sounds like a mac issue.
It's not a MAC issue. It's any RSS newsreader! It's just more convenient for me to give you the MAC example.
So here is another example, go to this web url - slinkset.com - it contains links taken from your RSS Video Directory feed...notice the link URL's - they do not take you to the exact video, but rather the Video Directory index - the "s=" string is causing them to be redirected to the index instead of the actual video.
Something is generating the "s=" string in the RSS piece of code, whether it's your code or within vBulletin itself. I can't find anything obvious, but I'm not a coder!
Hopefully you or someone can dig deeper....as it is effecting the usefulness of the RSS piece of this.