Hey guys, um i've been using images for my notices for a while now and I do sometimes get people say "ugh how do I remove it?" unfortunately, as i'm using spanned images there isn't a way because the red dismiss button is displayed behind these images.
Is there a way I can get the link that will dismiss the notice? If not, then can I float the red cross above my other images so then people can dismiss the notice?
This is the navbar_noticebit template;
<div class="navbar_notice" id="navbar_notice_$_noticeid">
<if condition="$show[dismiss_link]"><input type="image" onclick="return dismiss_notice($_noticeid);" name="dismiss_noticeid_$_noticeid" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/cross.png" alt="$vbphrase[dismiss]" style="float:$stylevar[right];" /></if>$notice_html