your prob look at the lite versin of photoplog the pro version has more features then u think it does not just zooming capability i have tried every gallery there is for vb even galleries that are stand alones not ment for vb like G2 etc and from what i see there is no better gallery the support is hands down top of the line morgan takes pride in his work as is always there to help and im sure other that use photoplog pro would agree take a look here if you havent
Originally Posted by ScottW23
IMO photoplog's UI isn't ideal. It seems to just magnify photos when you click on a thumbnail instead of displaying a photo page with comments. The point of a gallery is to have people interact and post comments, and I know the title of the photo is linked in photoplog but IMO that's odd and there is only the magnification feature shown on random thumbs/newest uploads. That doesn't encourage social interaction.
--------------- Added 20 May 2009 at 01:19 ---------------
vBPicGallery does not appear to give you a categorized, central list of photo galleries. Only "newest galleries" and "recent galleries" all of which appear to be personal/member-owned albums rather than central site-wide galleries.
Compare vBPicGallery:
to PhotoPost vBGallery: