Originally Posted by Xeye
Well done bro =D
I checked your forum using my IPhone and i found it great.
I have few question's:
1- Is it work on vb 3.7.2?
2- I have arabic forum, it's RtL (right to left), so can i use your style?
3- Is it support vbtube hack?
4- If i want to remove any hack to show on this style, all i have to do is null all the hack templates, right?
Sorry, i asked alot of questions XD
I like what you did and i wish i can have it to work on my forum soooon <3
Thank you bro.
1) yes
2) idk how that works. I've never tested it on anything but English
3)the template would probably screwed up and iPhones only play videos in .mp4 format most likely vb tube streems .flv so no. That's a iPhone limitation not the skin
4)for the most part
I'll go in to more detail later when I have more time