Hey guys,
I have installed this plugin! It seems to work fine for me
Is there anything else I should do after installing it? Like anything to do with google webmaster or will google and all the other search engines find the files that this plugin generated on my site perfectly fine?
I got this message after running the generator:
Report Details
Generated Sitemap Details
Date 2009-05-19 20:04
Processing time 2.60 s
Total URLs 3,321 (-)
Forumdisplay URLs 19 (-)
Showthread URLs 335 (-)
ShowPost URLs 2,586 (-)
Archive URLs 176 (+176)
Member Profile URLs 178 (-)
Poll Results URLs 4 (-)
Blog Entries URLs 0 (-)
Blog Tag URLs 0 (-)
Album URLs 0 (-)
Social Group URLs 1 (-)
Tag URLs 22 (-)
Sitemap Files
Index File sitemap_index.xml.gz
Sitemap File #1 sitemap_1.xml.gz (3,321 URLs, 656.62Kb) 656.30Kb uncompressed
Text Format File urllist.txt (0.00Kb)
Search Engines Pings
Google Successful
Yahoo Successful
Ask Successful
Moreover Successful
Live Successful