Originally Posted by zelnik
This looks great Maria and as mention seems to have a great potential!
Having read the docs to it you say it has it's own style, would it still work if you did not install this style and would it adopt the current style you're using?
See the attachment and you'll understand why it needs this template. There is a left column which holds the active destination and all related menu option, as a way to keep the user in the right place for discussion.
I spent lot of time to build this template to avoid placing in troubles those who will use it for modifying templates. Sure you can use your own (or default) template especially if you don't plan to use the forums (I mean the travel forums).
If you want to use the forums and still using your own template (the mod will continue working find), then is better to open functions.php (microtravel/includes) and find at line 1902:
$menu .= '<tr><td><div class="smallfont"><strong>» <a href="forumdisplay.php?f='.$this_row["forumid"].'">'.$vbphrase['microtravel_forums'].'</a></strong></div></td></tr>';
and replace it with:
$menu .= '<tr><td><div class="smallfont"><strong>» <a target="_blank" href="forumdisplay.php?f='.$this_row["forumid"].'">'.$vbphrase['microtravel_forums'].'</a></strong></div></td></tr>';
This way the forum will open in a new window, so the users can return where they're before just by closing the forum window.
Hope that it helps