Originally Posted by dklassen
I have some concerns.
$80 per year for forum owners is pretty pricey especially since I may not have that many iPhone users compared to the majority of regular users. I love this mod but I'm not sure the % of iPhone users makes it worth $80 per year.
Most iPhone users I know purchase quite a few apps from the store so I thought this was going to be a purchased app at whatever price you set and all the forum owner had to do was install the mod.
If you want the forum owner to foot the bill I think a better model would be to pay a one time fee for the mod on the forum side and charge a couple bucks for the app on the member side. I'd be willing to do that. I own three fairly busy forums but I don't think I'll get much ROI for $240 per year.
I use my iPhone all the time on my sites and even do some admin stuff, it's really not that difficult to navigate and use the forum with the regular iPhone browser.
What's the up side for the forum owners here?
I may give it a try on one of my forums but I don't know guys. I'm pretty apprehensive with the price and the over all model they are using.
i posted this same response to dk on
Tapatalk's support forums
dude i think you need to realize what this app will offer in the future and not just what it is now.
i do not think 80 is a bad price. hell i paid 135 for another program that enabled users to browse my forum from just about any phone. i would state the name but im not trying to advertise it on here.
with this app you have the chance of acquiring new members because your forum is listed in their catalog. you know as an iphone user you look for every chance you get to make use of you iphone via apps. haaa again think of the future of this app. lvyile, winter, and the other devs do their best to incorporate what we suggest and to correct what ever issues we present.
man in my eyes vbulletin should partner up with these cats and make it the official vbulletin app. not just for iphone but for android, bb,symbian and webos(if it takes off)
just imagine this app reaching that level. here you are with the chance to be at ground zereo of development.
man i ive spent $80 to $150 for a custum made mod in the past. 80 bucks a year broken down in montly payments isn't nothing. hell i may spend 80 bucks on fast food in 4 months. haha shiat id spend that on alchohol in 2 months. don't let me hit the club. hahaa
hell i think they should charge the $80 a year AND 1.99 for the app(after a month of free downloads.) if the devs aren't making money they not going to develop.
i got a question for the peeps that are so against paying a yearly fee. do you think our precious vbulletin forums would be as advanced as they are if they didn't charge a yearly fee? this app is a baby and it will grow and mature to an app that is basically a full fledged vb app. they have plans to add modertor functions, pic upload from your iphone, check out some of the things we have asked for in the
wish list thread winter has stated he plans to have these added in the future. man this app will be the shiat.
ok u pay the yearly fee for the iphone. but months down the line we will have android and bb. thats more users with the ability to access your forum via an app.
one thing i think peeps are not seeing is this app may bring new members to your site because your forum is listed in the directory.
yawl need to head on over to their support forum and witness how great their support is for the app and how open they are to our ideas and suggestions.