I saw it all. I'm not so sure I'm upset over it either. LOL My big board is going on 2 years with out a yearly renewal. Thats 120 bucks in my pocket. If I go pay 60 in yearly that should give me entitlement to 2 years of upgrades? From my better understanding there is more or at least 2 years between each major version. 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 etc. So to say that it would be unfair to charge a larger lump sum for upgrades for major versions is bunk. All that means as a site owner is that I will be entitled to MORE upgrades then I would have gotten the old way. Then a larger lump sum for a new version.
I think if you look closely it has its good points too. If vb asks me for 120 or so bucks every few years. Then I'm still breaking even. I might even get to update my boards a little more often, instead of having to kill my self with HUGE upgrades to avoid paying yearly updates. Just my .02.
The new packaging sounds more then fair as well.
Just thought I'd put that out there... I saw all the screenies and honestly didnt even read through most of it. I'm not worried. Just not sure why all the negativity.....