Lynne, the conflict happens when i need to include the CSS style definitions of the current site in order to display the header / footer of the forums page and maintain the site look & feel, then include the vBulletin CSS definitions for the forums themselves. The two sets of CSS definitions have names that overlap/conflict.
ProSkinner is right - i was looking for a way out exactly as he first stated - the ability to globally change the names of the vBulletin classes would do what i need. I am very surprised this issue has not come up before thus forcing the ability to re-name vBulletin CSS definitions.
So i am stuck in a fairly ugly position. Since I cannot re-name vBulletin CSS definitions, then i need to re-name the definitions for the rest of the site (which i also cannot do). SO i will have to maintain a variant of the rest-of-site style sheet with any conflicts removed. Thus if the style sheet for rest-of-site is updated, the custom sheet will have to be manually updated as well. OH and i will have to manually identify the conflicts as well - something i don't look forward to (does anyone enjoy reading style sheets?).
It would be nice if vBulletin had the option to define a unique set of CSS definitions for integration purposes by adding a prefix as ProSkinner recommends.