Originally Posted by exportforce
After a month I yet again ask you:
Please enable an option that bans the first account too and also on multiple logins to ban both accounts automatically. In the last 3 weeks I am extremly encountering ppl that create up to 10 accounts and I can't even ban as fast as they create new accounts.
Please let US decide wether those should be banned too, for myself it is extremly urgent.
Coding takes work. It won't happen if I just think about it. It takes work, and as of late, I've been doubly stressed because of final exams and graduate fiascoes. Now that I'm out of school, I should have two months of freedom (at least from scholastic activities).
Also, I never anticipated on releasing another 1.1.x version. The next planned release is 2.0.0, which incorporates database features and they are still of my highest priority. These database features are not easy to form. It's very complicated in the code, at least for me.
I do not have a release date planned. Just be patient and wait it out. If I do not have version 2.0.0 released within another month, I'll go ahead and work on one, last, 1.1.x version (1.1.4).