I have some concerns.
$80 per year for forum owners is pretty pricey especially since I may not have that many iPhone users compared to the majority of regular users. I love this mod but I'm not sure the % of iPhone users makes it worth $80 per year.
Most iPhone users I know purchase quite a few apps from the store so I thought this was going to be a purchased app at whatever price you set and all the forum owner had to do was install the mod.
If you want the forum owner to foot the bill I think a better model would be to pay a one time fee for the mod on the forum side and charge a couple bucks for the app on the member side. I'd be willing to do that. I own three fairly busy forums but I don't think I'll get much ROI for $240 per year.
I use my iPhone all the time on my sites and even do some admin stuff, it's really not that difficult to navigate and use the forum with the regular iPhone browser.
What's the up side for the forum owners here?
I may give it a try on one of my forums but I don't know guys. I'm pretty apprehensive with the price and the over all model they are using.