Unfortunately with the nature of Keyhunt being a buy/sell/trade forum, a lot of banned members and scammers feel the need to attack the site in some way because they have been caught out. Unfortunately I have not had much experience with DDoS attacks within the last few years (in which time I have actually come to understand a lot) so I cannot give you current and relevant advice. The only thing I can mention is that I have had good experiences with blocking entire continents, using professional firewalls and implementing a simple username/password scheme. Of course, each is useful at different stages and the time when I used the username and password trick I was only being attacked by a few little script kiddies using a little program.
I'd have to agree with Snakes1100 though, if your host cannot mitigate the attack at all or at least offer some sort of protection, a new host may be in order. I know that with some of my previous hosts, they were experienced and smart enough to block the attack at the hardware level preventing almost all of the negative affects altogether. You'd be best off going with a provider that has been through the ordeal many times, because it seems like these URL Jet guys don't really have that experience.