I'm keen to write a connector, something that'll pass the view variables from rails to something in php that'll bring up the view, while at the same time being able to pass the core bits and pieces that are needed to preform logic to the rails app.
I've tried to share cookies etc, but it was very hard, and very annoying trying to match the template, especially the header, with the drop downs etc. So I was thinking of creating a connector that'll let me write my apps in rails, and basically pass the information to a vbulletin addon that will let me pass the view (instance) variables to vbulletin for the vb plugin to then work out what template to show, etc.
I've written some stuff for VB that'll make things Restful. For instance, after my rails app authenticates itself to vb (using a 256character hash generated based on an algorithm (so it keeps changing)) i can do basic stuff right now, like grab a user, or a list of users, or a list of posts, etc. So rails is using activeresource for now to do that..
If anyone is interested in helping shoot me a pm on here and we can co-ordinate how we can do this.