Thanks! I'll be checking this out on my test site.
OK, installed.
- is there supposed to be a link in the navbar to the wiki? (My navbar is modified, so maybe it's me.)
- I'm guessing it is suggested for the forum settings to set them to Forum is Active' > No and Forum is Open > No ? Otherwise people can go in and just create threads and screw things up (I would think).
- How do you create a new page? Perhaps there should be a link on the side bar to do this?
- That's quite an editor.

Is there an easy way to get rid of some of that stuff - a file to edit? It seems to take a while to load and I'm not sure we really need all of that.
- I notice there is a Banned Users list in the Configuration. What about users in the Banned Usergroup? Are they automatically banned from editing?
This looks like something fun to try out. Thanks!