Originally Posted by nando99
So I installed this on 3.7.4 and it works great there's just one problem - after a while, when I go back to check an old thread that I added some html in it - it just shows the html code.... i have to edit it and save it and boom it works...
Anyone have any idea why it would do that?
This is because of the post parsed cache. When a user with HTML posting access posts an HTML message, his access level produces a valid HTML-viewable page, and a copy is stored in the vb_post_parsed database table.
When the post parsed cache time limit is reached, the post is deleted from the cache. The next time someone views the page, the code that builds the page is pulled straight from the vb_post database table, and if it happens to be a user who does not have HTML posting capability, it will display a page full of junk code.
I have posted about this error repeatedly in this thread, but the author refuses to comment on the issue, or return emails or PM's about it. You can read some of my posts in this thread about how I solved the issue for myself. Since I only allow HTML for the administrative user group and only on sticky messages, I was able to find a workable solution. There is a number of places where the post parsed cache is purged in the software, so even if you implement my solution, you may still have problems somewhere else.
It's a real pain to have to go in, edit and resave all the HTML posts periodically, but you aren't going to get any assistance on this from anyone here. You can also open the posts in question in the vb_post_parsed database table and set their dateline date to some time way in the future, like 9999999999.
This could be an awesome mod with this one issue fixed.