but that will change everyone in usergroup books, to be moderated in board b - regardless of if their primary group is registered, or troublemaker?
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I don't want to moderate everyone in books, just those that are in books, where their primary group is troublemakers.
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Originally Posted by BlueNinjaGo
Ok, I think I see what you're trying to say.
Try this:
3 usergroups (2 primary, 1 secondary)
Group1 - Always moderated
Group2 - Never Moderated
Secondary Group - Always Moderated and can see board B
Since secondary groups can't take away permissions (AFAIK), then Group 2 will not be affected, while Group1 will still always be moderated regardless of the board they're on.
well i set it as you suggested - however, that still won't work.
Originally Posted by Lynne
A "Yes" permission always takes precendence over a "No" permission. In this case, the permission is "Follow Forum Moderation Rules" and a Yes means they are not moderated. So, if a user belongs to your Secondary group(books - not moderated), and Group 1 (Troublemakers - moderated) then they won't be moderated.
You can change this in the Forum Permissions > find forum (board B) > find usergroup (books) to Edit and set it to be moderated.
I tried this - but still nothing.
Primary groups is either registered (not moderated), or troublemakers (moderated).
Secondary group has no persmission for anything except to give them access to forum A.
If i change the forum permissions then EVERYONE in secondary group can either post or is moderated - it doesn't use the primary group setting.