Originally Posted by Twin-x
1st one is the same request as alpha1 has.
We have to make a extra forum to make it look like my picture. (see circle 1) I had to make an extra forum. If i do not my category shows and the forum depth is gone. If i change this the whole forum is altered and i do not want this.
We wish to maintain this look but the 1 category and beneath sub forum
Only way vBulletin provides to "group" forums is to put them inside one, and this is all about the SubForum display after all

. Your choice on if it is a Forum or Category. If you make it a Forum, I'd suggest you have it closed for posting.
Originally Posted by Twin-x
2nd in the second circle is it possible to fill the gap with more last posts from those forums? That would make it look nicer.
Would require a different hack - Cybernetec has one that may suffice:
Originally Posted by Twin-x
3rd if you cannot fix 1st how can i delete the text : sub category or even better hide the multilanguage text 
You can get rid of the "Sub-Forums:" by clearing the "Other formatting options (global) / SubForum heading.." in my PlugIns options