Originally Posted by benjaminkramer
will you upgrade your LDM to VB 3.8 ?
If you look in the header post to this thread, you will find the link to version 2.3.0, which is intended for vb 3.8. In fact, practically everything in version 2.2.9 works fine with vb 3.8, apart from user profile integration (fixed in the release candidate code) and auto-announce thread prefixes (will be fixed in next upload)
Originally Posted by benjaminkramer
Hope you will continue developing.
Yes, within limits
Originally Posted by benjaminkramer
Your Downloadmanager is really good, but need to improved.

Are you offering to help?
Originally Posted by benjaminkramer
I am looking for a flash uploader over 100 MB. That would make much more easier.
The limit of 100Mb appears somewhere in the adobe flash documentation, so if it's real, it will apply to all flash uploaders. However, from a search on Google, I get the impression that no-one really knows if this is a real limit or not. I have just tried a 188Mb upload with the latest version of the swfupload 'extra' supplied with LDM 2.3.0. It worked fine. I suggest that you do some tests.