I just upgraded to the latest version of vb. I have a lot of mods installed. I am not sure if any those are the problem but I am willing to do anything to get rid of this pest.
Heres a list of all the products I have. Is there anything in there that could be causing the problem? I don't have all this mods going at once. I only have maybe 10 of them enabled.
vBulletin 3.8.2
Add Banner 1.7 Add banner on each forum.
Advanced Time And Date 1.0 Look At Title - By EnIgMa1234
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Chief First Post - Every Page 1.0.1 Chief First Post - Every Page
Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics 5.7 Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics
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Zoints Thread Tags 1.2.1 The Zoints thread tagging system
[AJAX] Alp Pro 1.6.0 Alp Pro
[APM] Advanced Product Management 3.0.4 Advanced tool to manage product, add/edit/delete product's components.
[NuHIT] - NuHIT URLs 1.0.0 NuHIT URLs
[Sniper] - Profile Field Tags 1.5.2 It turns user field values into links, so its easier to finds users with similar interests...