Originally Posted by wolfstream
I'm certainly not blowing up here, I was just responding to the individual's attack.
While I understand vacations and all, that really doesn't release the obligation of customer service and support here. Really, I understand that these things happen, but when it takes a thread like this to bring it to the attention of your company, and emails are ignored (I've sent at least one), it doesn't speak well at all.
For the record, your 1 email (sent at 6:30pm, 6 hours after the transaction) was never ignored. You created a post here complaining about us to everyone before even emailing us. Normally, I would just let this go, but it's really not nice to bad mouth us and make us look like we don't care about customers when that is simply not the case. If you would have emailed us instead of posting here, then it would have been resolved right away.