ok let me put it too you all in laymen terms since alot of people do not get this.
Sun own
www.mysql.com this is the only place right now you can get the stock files.
linux, windows install files for MYSQL when oracle kill it or re-direct it too their website.
there will be no STOCK files to get, so that is how you kill mysql open source or not.
if you cannot obtain the files anywhere once mysql.com dies or gets re-directed
then it being gpl or open source is all well and good but if you cannot get the source files
then what is the point of open source or gpl then?
dont worry it's hosted on sourceforge.net must be since it's gpl open source?
wrong last working mysql community version the page says 2006 they opened it
and too this day they have no binary packages to download since 2006.
the end of the story is once mysql.com goes so does the source files open or not.