So, it's ok, in your mind to take money from individuals and not deliver product, or support? Hrrm? Of
course it's not.
As a coder/designer myself, I have never, and will never setup an application to take money from someone without giving product to them
immediately, unless a contracted job is necessary. That's just common decency and respect to your customers. Fraud checks should be done BEFORE payment is accepted, not delayed.
If this was a "service", then yeah, I could see waiting a bit, but it's not.
In addition, if this was not during business hours, again, I could see waiting a few hours, but once again, not so much.
Payment was made @ 1230 their time, well into the business day, well inside hours that support should be provided. Since this is a pretty reasonably known business (subdreamer), there were almost guaranteed to be people there. They just didn't want to do their jobs, and THAT is what I find fault with.
Better yet:
ziad has been online since I made my post requesting clarification as to why this hasn't been resolved yet ( a good 3 hours before I posted here). Did I get a response there? Nope.