mine would be custom when its done. things I need to find out is where the users friends are stored at when they login , and how would I call that into every page. I dont know if its an array like most things in vb or not. making the bar is simple with the right html and css all that would be left is to set a table inside of the div so I can use the td for for the anchor tags and set the anchors to use css rollovers to save bandwidth. Next would be making the pop-ups for the chatbox friends list I could use ajaxim but I'll have to search the files for the tables needed and determine how I'll use them in vb. To determine if I'll use a query to pull all the info for the freinds list, if they'll show a mini avatar, and the online status of teh forum or a custom image. Theres alot to determine before I even start the code. and also the buttons will also be considered if I'll make my own or use the defaults and what skin will I use, what admin options will there be in the admincp etc... I'm currently searching the files for the how to's and the online vb code guide as well.