Originally Posted by EagleNick
I have the options set to "Count All Posts Marked as Unread"
I have the issue with the link taking me to this: mysite.com/forums/search.php?do=getnew[ARG:2%20UNDEFINED].
I read about something with the dup_posts phrase, but I don't see anything wrong with it... this is what it is:
You Have <strong>{1} <a href="{3}search.php?do=getnew">Unread {2}</a></strong>
What else could be the problem?
Originally Posted by Paul M
Argument 2 of that phrase is another phrase that is part of this product - the only possible way you could get it is if vbulletin didnt import the phrases properly, or you have somehow deleted the phrase - uninstalling and re-installing might fix that, otherwise, still no idea.
Okay, uninstalling and re-installing got rid of this ARG UNDEFINED issue...
But now I have a new problem: Rather than the welcome box saying how many unread posts I have, it says "Display Unread Posts" where the Unread Posts part is the link to the getnew page.
All of the phrases are un-modified. Any idea how to fix this?
Thanks. I love this mod and hope to get it working properly