Originally Posted by pein87
I already have the fixed bar made, right now I'm looking into how to call each users freinds list on all pages. Someone is already intergrating ajaxim if your in a rush to see it produced it may take me months to get the code done right and standard code is a must. I was planning to make it a template so it easier to store all the info in one template and them call it into the head or footer template. As stateed on my own it may take 3 months to get it done right but maybe cybernetic or devdion could port there chat boxs so they have that functionality and it would take them less time since they already have the chat box software made. Donation wise i would suggest donations go to the ajaxim team if you wnat a rapid app done since there almost done with it according to his last post.
link to ajaxim intergration
are you also integrating ajaxim or something other`?