Originally Posted by maidos
great add on.
its not compatiable with webfeeds or desktop feeds. It will continue displaying entrie even though i made it specific to only display 100 entries. But google reader displays now at 500 entries and still continues
is there anyway to use the vbulletin rss visual page instead of using an external site like rapidfeeds
also when we check your demo you have some xml errors, this is something constantly encounter with our own using your script. Any advice?
edit: read yourposts, is it possible you could make your script suport utf8 characters like & ?
Sorry but I am not very good at RSS. What I've done in the addon is probably my limit so I can't really help you with the visual style of it. Maybe someone else with a bit more knowledge can step in.
About the XML errors I know, but like I said I am not very good at this and I don't really know a way around it.