Am I missing the obvious? For a site that's been up for 2 and a half years you have next to no content. What's the point in paying for a style and a coder when there's no content that prompts guests to even want to register.
Your two and half years work can be read in a space of 5 minutes pending the content is worth reading. Maybe you have the better areas hidden from guests?
Point being (pending you don't have more areas filled with content) you can't expect a forum to pick up and runs itself if you think posting once maybe twice a month. Nobody will bother visiting your site if they see the owner can't be bothered themselves and it's looks to me that you either can't be bothered putting in the time from the amount of content posted.
It won't make a blind bit of difference if you get a spanky new style. You'll need to have some motivation and the knowledge with the niche you have entered into.